グラハ・カトネ(Graha Katne) : 星の障りを断つ : 西ネパールの占星術をめぐる慣行


  • グラハ カトネ Graha Katne ホシ ノ サワリ オ タツ ニシ ネパール ノ センセイジュツ オ メグル カンコウ
  • Graha katne : Removing Planetary Afflictions Astrological Practice in Western Nepal
  • グラハ カトネ : ホシ ノ サワリ ヲ タツ : ニシネパール ノ センセイジュツ オ メグルカンコウ



Astrology has a long tradition in Hinduism and it is held in the Hindu world that heavenly movements influence the course of earthly events. The belief, for example, that the planetary configuration at the moment of birth reflects the fate of the individual is strongly shared by Sija Brahmans of Western Nepal. The ordinary villagers' knowledge of astrology is fragmentary but they nevertheless regard some fortunes and misfortunes as the result of planetary influences. ln theory, every fortune and misfortune can be attributed to planetary afflictions or 'fruits' since the planetary configuration determines the fate of an individual. The villagers, however, tend to consult an astrologer or iotyis only when they suffer from the lack of a male heir or spouse. The frequent loss of sons or wives, infertility, or the frequent breaking off of a betrothal is regarded as planetary afflictions, the result of one's own planet's working. The desire to have a son or a wife leads the sufferer to seek a way of throwing off the influence of malevolent planets. Since such planetary workings can not be stopped and their influence is not susceptible to extermination or elimination, the only possible solution is to transfer the affliction to somebody else, mainly through forming a ritual friendship with the latter. Ritual friendship in its general meaning is a wide spread phenomenon in Northern India and Nepal. The function of ritual friendship is to bridge the gap between the different castes. Friendships established for mutual affection and benefit last a long time but those made as a means of transferring inauspiciousness rarely last long.


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