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- ショウニン ヨッキュウ ニ ツイテ ノ シンリガクテキ コウサツ : ゲンダイ ノ ワカモノ ト SNS ト ノ カンレン カラ
- Psychological considerations on the need for approval : The connections between contemporary youth and SNS services
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The purpose of this paper is to overview the transition of the concept of the need of approval from the psychological point of view and to discuss the need for approval in young people in the light to the situation with human relations and society, especially with regard to SNS. In the field of psychology, the need for approval is well known as one of the stages of Maslow’s hierarchy of needs. In addition, the need for approval is studied from two aspects, the praise seeking need and the rejection avoidance need. It was understood that contemporary youth maintain friendships while paying attention to circumstances surrounding them so as not to hurt others or be hurt by them. Nurturing the sense that children are approved of by their parents in their parent-child relationships also affects subsequent human relations. The pathological aspect of that not working out well has been pointed out. The psychological feature common to such pathology is the “approval with conditions”. This is not such form of parental approval of children as “loving them the way they are”, but the “if you can do ..., then I will love you” form of approval. Contemporary parent-child relationships seem to be presenting “approval with conditions” while securing “unconditional approval”. As a result, young people became worried whether they will be accepted if there is no condition for approval even in relationships with friends. On the other hand, while SNS can easily satisfy the need of approval for young people who use them, it is possible to obtain infinite approval with them. Also, unlike in case with real human relationships, there is a peculiarity of SNS allowing for obtaining approval while minimizing the anxiety of being rejected by someone.
- 現代社会研究科論集 : 京都女子大学大学院現代社会研究科紀要
現代社会研究科論集 : 京都女子大学大学院現代社会研究科紀要 012 25-44, 2018-03-15
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Details 詳細情報について
- 1050564287532089472
- NII Article ID
- 120006488050
- NII Book ID
- AA12228704
- 18820921
- 029012657
- Text Lang
- ja
- Article Type
- departmental bulletin paper
- Data Source
- NDL Search
- CiNii Articles