Widespread Use of Hyphenated Compounds (Part 1)

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  • ハイフン語の使用について : 歴史的考察と今後の動向 その1
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A HYPHEN, a short horizontal line, half the size of DASH, has two mainfunctions : one is to divide a word into two at the end of one line and the beginningof the next line, and the other is to link multiple words to a single expressionsuch as a do-it-yourself job. This `a do-it-yourself job' is called CompoundWord, which usually has three types. A compound word linked with hyphens iscalled Hyphenated Compound, a compound consisted of two or more words isTwo-Word Compound (also called Open-Styled Compound) and a compound likespaceship is One-Word Compound.Although these compound words have been used since Old English, I don'tthink the ways of using the three types of compounds have been governed byclear and sharp rules. For instance, Hyphenated Compound, `un-French' is onlyacceptable and other two are not: neither Two-Word, `un French' nor One-Word`unFrench' is acceptable. And Hyphenated `well-developed' and Two-Word `welldeveloped' are grammatical but One-Word `welldeveloped' are definitely not. Onthe other hand, neither Hyphenated `mens-wear' nor Two-Word `mens wear'should be avoided, and One-Word `menswear' is apparently preferable. That iswhy I would like to carry out a close research about the three types of CompoundWords.This study covers as follows :a) a short history of Hyphensb) varieties of Hyphenated Compoundsc) Two-Word Compounds & One-Word Compoundsd) some rules about Hyphenated Compoundse) future-tendency of Hyphenated, Two-Word and One-Word Compounds







    ENGLISH REVIEW (21), 3-53, 2007-03-15

    堺 : 桃山学院大学総合研究所

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