再生骨材RC40 を用いたポーラスコンクリートの試作


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  • Trial Production of Porous Concrete Using with RC40

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Currently, disused concrete structures were dismantled and crushed. These were adjusted to the size of about 40(mm) or less (in general these called RC40). RC40 have been applying to roadbed, but new road construction will decrease, it is necessary to expand applications of RC40. For this background, in this research, aiming to expand applications of RC40, it is apply to porous concrete (as following PoC), which is small to required strength. After a review of its material that was collected, it was found that fine fraction was less compering with physical testing report, and involving solid particle. So, trial production of PoC using with three materials following, 1) particles of 5(mm) or more of RC40, 2) recycle fine aggregate, 3) mixed recycle fine aggregate with solid particle, and considering for properties, strength of mortal and PoC.


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