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  • 作物の形質発現の変動性よりみた収量安定性に関する研究 II : 水稲諸形質の変動性に対する環境要因の効果について(農学部門)
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  • Studies on the yield stability viewed from the point of character manifestation variability of crops II : The effect of environmental factors on variabilities of several characters in rice varieties (Agriculture)

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Variations of variabilities of several characters in rice varieties were studied in relation to difference in environmental conditions. Ten rice varieties were cultured under 12 environments, and the interrelationship among the variabilities which occurred within a plant (Within CV), among plants (Between CV) and the variations of the respective variabilities in environments (ECV) were examined. As for the degrees of variations of Within CV and Between CV, little difference in characters was recognized, although the large difference was detected in both the CV per se. The Within CV was larger than the Between CV in all characters examined. On the other hand, the reverse tendency was shown between the respective ECV. The influence of environmental change was, therefor, larger to the variablilities which occurred among plants than to those within a plant. Negative correlations were shown between both ECV of character values and Within CV, but not clear relation between both ECV of Within CV and Between CV. From these results, it is concluded that both the variabilities which occurred within a plant and among plants respond to the change in environmental conditions by fairly different mechanisms.


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