教師教育における放送の役割 : 「北海道現職放送教育講座」の事例を中心に


  • The Role of Broadcasting in Teacher Training : In Case of "HOKKAIDO BROADCASTING IN-SERVICE TEACHER TRAINING SEMINAR"




Since providing information to a mass-audience is thought to be the role of broadcasting, it is very unusual in the broadcasting culture that information and programs were created for school teachers, a specific professional group, though put on the exclusive air for educational broadcasting. If we trace back the history of broadcasting, from the early stages programs for teachers were developed and they have been broadcasted since in many countries in the world. From these facts, we find that the social role of programs for teachers has come to be expected in teacher training. In Japan, for instance, they began to try to educate teachers from the very beginning of broadcasting. NHK Osaka station started broadcasting programs for schools in 1933 (8 of Showa Era), as one of the memorial events for the opening of a second channel. The time table of that day states that "Teacher's Hour" was on air from 3:40 to 4:00pm, from Monday to Friday, and it has continued to be broadcasted since then. In addition, 38 countries and 55 organizations took part in The Japan Prize International Educational Program Contest (Nihon-Sho) held in Tokyo in 1987. In response to questions, 19 countries and 27 organizations said that they considered teacher education to be very important, especially through broadcasting. This indicates the importance of broadcasting in teacher training. This research considers the history and the present situation of teacher training by broadcasting, and clearly shows the role of broadcasting in teacher training. It focuses on Hokkaido Broadcasting In-service Teacher Training Seminars implemented in the 1950s in Hokkaido.


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