志賀重昂『日本風景論』と愛郷心・愛国心 : 中部日本の火山等に関する記載をめぐって


  • シガ シゲタカ ニホン フウケイロン ト アイキョウシン アイコクシン チュウブ ニホン ノ カザン トウ ニ カンスル キサイ オ メグッテ
  • Shigetaka Shiga's "Nihon Fukei-ron" and Love of One's Hometown and Patriotism : Concerning Descriptions on Volcanoes in Central Japan





志賀重昂の著書『日本風景論』(1894)の中心的な位置を占める火山に関する記載部分の分析検討のうち、中部日本の火山等に関する志賀の記載をとりあげ、彼の剽窃や改竄の諸相をさらに明らかにした。特に高頭式編『日本山嶽志』(1906)のなかに志賀の訳読として掲載されている"Handbook for Travellers in Central & Northern Japan"の記事と『日本風景論』における記事とがほとんど同一の内容であることを明らかにし、剽窃の実態を検証した。また、志賀の郷里三河についての記載の不自然な比重のかけかたに、彼の強い愛郷心がみられることを示し、さらに大槻磐渓の語句の改竄が愛郷心と愛国心とを結び付けるための志賀の強引な操作であることを論じた。これら志賀が行った剽窃や改竄および不自然な構成などは、読者の愛郷心を、他国に冠絶する日本の風景を説くことによって愛国心を高めるための、確信犯的意図によるものであった。

This paper focuses on the descriptions by Shigetaka Shiga of volcanoes in central Japan selected from his work the "Nihon Fukei-ron" (1894), in which descriptions of volcanoes play a core role of the book, as part of my analysis of his descriptions on volcanoes so as to clarify various aspects of his plagiarism and document tampering. My study proves that the article "Handbook for Travelers in Central & Northern Japan, " which is contained in the "Nihon Sangaku-shi", edited by Shoku Takatoh (1906) and introduced therein as Shiga's translation, has almost the same content as some descriptions in the "Nihon Fukei-ron, " thereby analyzing Shiga's plagiarism. I also show that it was Shiga's passionate love of his hometown that caused him to put an excessively great emphasis on descriptions of his hometown Mikawa and analyzed that his tampering with the words and phrases of Bankei Ootsuki was a forced manipulation in order to connect love of hometown to love of nation. These cases of tampering and plagiarism committed by Shiga and his unnatural composition of writings were done out of his over-zealous intention to enhance the readers' patriotism by describing the Japanese landscape as far more excellent than that in any foreign country.




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