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  • ReqQA: A Software Requirements Specifications Quality Analyzer and Its Application

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ソフトウェア要求仕様書(SRS)の品質はソフトウェア開発とその成果物の品質を左右する.しかし,SRSの品質に関する研究は限定的である.本稿では,SRSのインスペクション設計方法論の成果に基づき,SRSの品質解析方法とその自動化ツールReqQA(Requirements Quality Analyzer)を提案する.多様なSRSを統一的に解析するために,RDFで表現された中間言語SRS-CIL(Common Intermediate Language)を提案する.Word文書のSRSをSRS-CILに変換し,パースペクティブに基づくプラグマティック品質特性を解析するツールのアーキテクチャを提案し,プロトタイプをRESTサービスとして実装した.プロトタイプを実際のRFP(提案依頼書)に適用し,提案方法とツールアーキテクチャの妥当性,有効性を示す.

The quality of SRS (Software Requirements Specification) influences the quality of software development and its product. However, few works have been done on the quality of SRS. This article proposes a method of quality analysis of SRS and its automated tool ReqQA (Requirements Quality Analyzer) based on the work on SRS inspection design methodology. To accommodate diverse forms of SRS, the authors propose SRS-CIL (Common Intermediate Language) represented by RDF. The authors propose the architecture of ReqQA consisting of the converter from SRS in Word, and plug-able tool sets, analyzing the SRS-CIL based on the pragmatic quality model from the reader's perspective. The prototype of ReqQA is implemented and applied to a real RFP, and proves the concept and demonstrates the effectiveness of the ReqQA.


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