

  • Influence on Time Evaluation by Presenting Visual Stimulus in Peripheral Vision




People may feel the fun time is soon, or boring time may not end forever. This is a phenomenon caused by attention to the time lapse which is one of the factors which change the time evaluation. But it is not easy to concentrate on two or more events at the same time, so it is not easy to focus time it has been said that it is difficult to change it as you want. Now, it is clear that the peripheral visual field has the characteristic of unconsciously processing visual information. We thought that manipulation of human's sense of time is possible by manipulating factors that unconsciously change time evaluation by using the peripheral visual field. Therefore, we examined how time evaluation changes by presenting visual stimulus to the peripheral visual field when working on PC. As a result, the time evaluation changed by the change amount of the presenting visual stimulus speed, the time felt shorter as the presentation speed of the visual stimulus accelerated, and longer as the presentation speed decreased. In addition, by analyzing gaze information of experimental collaborators, it was revealed that visual stimulus presentation to the peripheral visual field did not disturb the work.


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