情報社会の進展による消費経済構造と消費欲求の変貌過程 : 地域再生の経済学(VII)

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  • The Transition of Consumer Behavior and Demands in Japan Influenced by the Rapid Advance of Information Technologies and Economic Recession
  • ジョウホウ シャカイ ノ シンテン ニヨル ショウヒ ケイザイ コウゾウ ト ショウヒ ヨッキュウ ノ ヘンボウ カテイ : チイキ サイセイ ノ ケイザイガク 7

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Technological breakthroughs in information technologies and communications are transforming the economy, shifting the structure of the economic framework and consumer behavior significantly. Meanwhile, Japan has been facing a recession that has caused Japan's economy to slowly spiral down, such as many other countries are facing today. Under these circumstances, capturing the consumer behavior and demands by using the conventional economic indicators becomes a difficult task because these indicators are biased if no consideration is given to this economic transition. The purpose of this paper is to examine the transition of the Japanese economy in consumer behavior and demands, measuring the impacts of a decline in disaposable income. It also addresses about considerations for applying the conventional economic indicators to a low-growing economy like Japan to capture trends of consumer demands. As the result of this study, the following two observations are mainly described in the paper.


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