マミズイトミミズの酸可溶性化合物について(I) : 酸可溶性化合物の分画


  • The Components of Acid-soluble Fraction Obtained from Rhizodrilus limasus (I) : Fractionation of the Components of Acid-soluble Fraction
  • マミズイトミミズ ノ サン カヨウセイ カゴウブツ ニ ツイテ 1 サン カヨウセイ カゴウブツ ノ ブンカク



The fractionation of the components of acid-soluble fraction from a sludge worm, Rhizodrilus limasus, using Dowex 1,Cl form was previously reported, but good separation of nucleotide was not always obtained with the resin Cl form, Therefore, the separation of the components with the resin formate form instead of the Cl form was attempted. Some peaks separated by ion exchange chromatography using Dowex 1,formate form were moreover subjected to rechromatography using the resin Cl form, and the peaks separated by the rechromatography were identified through ultraviolet absorption curve and the eluted position in chromatogram. The obtained results were as follows ; 1. Seven peaks were obtained by chromatography using Dowex 1,formate form. 2. On the basis of ultraviolet absorption curves, the presence of guanine and three adenosine derivatives was confirmed. 3. In due consideration of the eluted position in chromatogram and their ultraviolet absorption curves, the three adenosine derivatives were assumed as AMP, ADP, and ATP, respectively.




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