地域開発政策が地方都市の市街地形成に与えた影響に関する研究 : 「地」の計画と「図」の計画-長岡ニュータウンを中心として


  • チイキ カイハツ セイサク ガ チホウ トシ ノ シガイチ ケイセイ ニ アタエタ エイキョウ ニ カンスル ケンキュウ チ ノ ケイカク ト ズ ノ ケイカク ナガオカ ニュータウン オ チュウシン ト シテ
  • Study on the Effect of Regional Development Policy on Urban Formation in the Local City : Continuous Plan and Big Project Plan-Case Study for Nagaoka New Town



In this study we treat Nagaoka City where many regional development projects have been designed and focus on the process of formation of urban area. We define the ordinary urban formation as 'Continuous Plan' and the big projects by the policy of country, prefecture or city as 'Big Project Plan', examine the transition of both plans and then analyze the relation on them and the effect of regional development policy on urban formation. We find followings: 1) Nagaoka City has been stressed project power rather than planning power. 2) Urban formation constinuously done have been pulled by the big projects and new urban areas have been born. That is the main factor why urban area exists so dispersely.


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