对压制的抵抗 : 纳粹政权下的拉德布鲁赫(G. Radbruch)和“白玫瑰·Weiße Rose”


  • 对压制的抵抗 : 纳粹政权下的拉德布鲁赫(G.Radbruch)和"白玫瑰・Weiße Rose"
  • Resisting Oppression : G.Radbruch and the “Weiße Rose” in Nazi Germany
  • 圧制に対する抵抗 : ナチス下におけるラートブルフ(G.Radbruch)と「白バラ」




“Weiße Rose” (White Rose) was a movement for human rights in Nazi Germany. It is widely lauded today, across frontiers of time and place, as a symbol of people exercising their right to resist oppression throughout the world- in other words, as an “uprising of conscience”. The Nazis famously passed a series of laws including the “Gesetz gegen die Neubildung von Parteien” (Law Against the Establishment of Parties) andthe “Gesetz zur Sicherung der Einheit von Partei undStaat” (Law to Safeguardthe Unity of Party andState), thereby placing the Nazi Party andthe German state on the same footing. Human freedoms were now utterly crushedund er a state governednot by the rule of law but by the “rule of one party”. At the time, Gustav Radbruch, a proponent of relativistic legal philosophy, condemned Nazi oppression as the law of “terror”. Even today, however, there still exist “rule-of-law nations” that do not recognize the separation of powers under one-party dictatorship. Now, many people who yearn for “liberal socialism” are expecting elements reminiscent of the Nazi “Ermächtigungsgesetz” (Enabling Act) to be erasedfrom the “uniquely Chinese socialist legal system”. The significance of this paper lies in drawing lessons from the old legal system of the Nazis to create a new legal system for the 21st century.

ナチス時代の人権擁護闘争の一つである「白バラ」(Weiße Rose)は、今日、国や時代を超えて、世界における圧制に対する抵抗権の行使のシンボル、すなわち「良心の蜂起」として広く称えられている。周知のように、ナチスは「新しい党の結成を禁止する法律」や「党と国家の統一を確保するための法律」などを制定し、党と国家を同じ位置においた。法治国家ならぬ「党治国家」によって、人間の自由は徹底して蹂躙された。当時、相対主義法哲学を説いたラートブルッフは、ナチの圧制を「テロ」法制、と糾弾している。だが、現代においても、ま




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