

  • Notes on the Teaching of Elementary Chinese
  • チュウゴクゴ ショキュウ ガクシュウ ニ オケル モンダイテン





I started teaching Chinese at Jissen Women's University nearly twenty years ago. During this time the study environment and the instruction of foreign languages have changed greatly. These changes are even more remarkable in the area of Chinese studies. Nowadays there are a great number of Chinese textbooks, edited readers and other teaching materials such as educational videos and DVDs to choose from. Students have changed from the students of twenty years ago, too. In spite of these changes, I recognize the same difficulties in these new students and their studies that I encountered twenty years before. These difficulties are characteristic to the study of Chinese. In order to improve the teaching of Chinese it is necessary to make an inquiry into these difficulties. In Chinese there is a word called "jiaoxue" which the dictionary defines as, "the work which teachers teach and from which they initiate knowledge and skill with the cooperation of students." Concretely speaking, "jiaoxue" is not a one-way process, but a mutual pedagogical endeavor involving both teachers and students. It is my belief that studying foreign languages embodies the meaning of "jiaoxue." In this paper, I describe the problems I have encountered in teaching Chinese in the past and up to the present and identify the clues that lead to the inherent problems associated with studying Chinese. I also look at the results obtained from questionnaires administered to students of Chinese, and questions posed by the students themselves.


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