歴史的唯物論と分業 : 分業=労働関係・生産関係説の検討


  • Historical Materialism and Division of Labour : Division of Labour= Work-relations and Production-relations examined
  • レキシテキ ユイブツロン ト ブンギョウ ブンギョウ ロウドウ カンケイ セイサン カンケイ セツ ノ ケントウ





A. Smith who was the last economist of the manufacture period explained the division of labour in a pin-making shop and its effects on rising labour productivity in the first chapter of his book The Wealth of Nations published in 1776. This division of labour is found in contemporary big factories such as automobile factories. Besides, there is the social division of labour between automobile industry, electrical appliances industry, farming industry and so on, too. These two kinds of divisions of labour were made the best use of by N.I. Bukharin's book Historical Materialism published in 1921, which was printed 5 times, translated into many languages of different countries and had a strong influence in the world, aided by his position and authority as one of the Soviet main political leaders and the chairman of Comintern. In Japan, the version translated by S. Hiroshima became a bestseller. Purely theoretically considered, firstly in his basis lies the fatal error that the social division of labour is a social equilibrium condition developed by L. Walras. Secondly, his idea that the division of labour in factories is work-relations and production-relations is wrong, since a capitalist hires labourers individually in the labour market and then in labour-process puts him into each ring of the division of labour, consequently there exists no cross relations between labourers, but only vertical relations between a top capitalist and labourers. Thirdly, Bukharin's technique determinism of work-relations and production-relations is incorrect. Fourthly, a sudden introduction of class relations into the above-mentioned production-relations is a question. This double ideas of production-relations originated from Plehanov who distinguished production-relations in a narrow sense meaning class-relations from production-relations in a wider sense meaning division of labourers. These two senses Martinov formulized as 'social production-relations' and 'technical production-relations'. But since production-relations are always social, this distinction is just meaningless. I.I. Rubin also insists that division of labour in factories are production-relations. This is not acceptable. In Japan, Takashima Zenya, a famous philosopher, adopting the above-stated notion that division of labour is 'work-relations' and adding his own idea that division of labour is a productive force, proposed to insert this double senses of division of labour as an intermediate to the logical transition from productive forces to production-relations, much advocated by Soviet philosophers as historical materialism formula at that time. So his revised formula would be productive forces→work-relations (division of labour)→production-relations. But as above-mentioned, division of labour is not work-relation, nor production-relations, nor productive forces. More fundamentally the original formula is really 'a deceptive similar to sophistry', as he puts it later.


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