写生のイデオロギー : 坂本四方太、声を写す


  • The Ideology of sketches : SAKAMOTO Shihota, Sketching Voices



This Thesis is the study of essays in the magazine HOTOTOGISU, by SAKAMOTO Shihota (1873-1917). In the 1900s, HOTOTOGISU's authors aim was to write a sketch of spoken Japanese language. Shihota, using the method of sketching, tried to reproduce spoken language which is discussed here. Shihota took uncontrollable conversational style writing and sketched it in the written style language. But, on the other hand, his challenge was how to help the organization of one hierarchical language by using another one. His sketch essays suppressed the lower class women and strengthened the solidarity of the students language and the people who used it. From there is where the slogan "sketch" held up HOTOTOGISU's possibilities and limitations which became apparent. This Thesis will hopefully help in the process of research by using the Japanese language as its standard.


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