Relations between Various Notions of G-Categories


  • G圏の種々の概念の間の関係〔英文〕
  • Gケン ノ シュジュ ノ ガイネン ノ アイダ ノ カンケイ エイブン
  • Gケン ノ シュジュ ノ ガイネン ノ アイダ ノ カンケイ
  • G圏の種々の概念の間の関係(英文)



type:Departmental Bulletin Paper

Let G be a group. There are various notions of categories with an action of G;(1) a lax system over G i.e. an op-lax functor from the category G to the 2-category Cat of small categories, (2) a category with a Galois descent datum of group G, (3) a cofibred(or fibred) category over G, and (4) a usual G-category i.e. a category whose object set and morphism set are G-sets and whose structural maps are G-maps. The purpose of this paper is to show that the first three notions are essentially equivalent and there are equivalences of categories between the limit categories; (1)the lax limit, (2) the descended category and (3) the category of cocartesian sections, and that for a cofibred category D over G there is a usual G-category U such that the subcategory UH of H-fixed objects and morphisms is homotopy equivalent to the representation category of D over H for each subgroup H of G.

identifier:滋賀大学教育学部紀要, 自然科学, 第35号, pp.13-18


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