

  • カンコウ インターンシップ ト シュウショク
  • Tourism Internship and Recruitment



Individuals who participate in Tourism internships have a tendency to get more directly related jobs than general type of internships in USA and Japan. The reason why is because tourism internships teach more professional skills and knowledge than general business and sales internships. The USA university tourism department has tourism internships as a required subject for 3 to 6 months. In Japan, tourism internships are longer than general ones. In addition to this, in the hotel industry, the ratio of tourism internships in relation to all types of recruitment have gradually increased. That's reason why is because it has been recognized that tourism internships are more successful ways to recruit than the general type of business internships. But even in Japan, it appears that hotels have gradually directly started to hire the hotel interns. Because hotels have recognized real performance from the students who finish hotel internships. This hypothesis has been proved as fact by our Q&A from hotels in the USA and Japan, and by previous studies.In conclusion, the tendency to hire tourism interns in Japan will gradually become more common.




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