

  • Literature Review of Traditional Birth Attendants and Effective Countermeasure for Maternal and Child Health in Laos
  • ラオス ニオケル デントウテキ サンバ ト コウカテキ ナ ボシ ホケン タイサク ニツイテノ ブンケンテキ コウサツ




Abstract :  Background : Laos is one of the least developed countries (LDC). In LDC, many women give birth to their babies at home and the levels of maternal and child health indicators are low. Therefore, countermeasures for maternal and child health including utilization of human resources such as traditional birth attendants (TBA) may be needed to support delivery at home. Methods : We reviewed research articles on maternal health, maternity and delivery in Asian area. Results : It was shown that women increased the time of receiving maternal health check and gave more colostrums and vaccinations to their babies after the intervention by well-trained TBA, and that women's knowledge deficiency and superstitious habits made the levels of maternal and child health indicators low. Conclusion : In LDC including Laos where the levels of reproductive health indicators are low, it is important to let common women take better healthy behavior and, therefore, the existence of TBA is important.  Key words : Traditional Birth Attendants, Laos, Least Developed Countries, Maternal and Child Health


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