

  • Evaluation of the usefulness and adverse effects of disinfectants
  • ショウドクヤク ノ ユウヨウセイ ト ユウガイセイ ニ タイスル ヒョウカ




Background : Even with advances in medicine, patients susceptible to infection have been increasing, and so the prevention of infection remains an important problem. The most useful method to prevent infection may be the identification and blocking of the infection route, and accurate sterilization and disinfection are necessary for this. Sterilization is performed for objects. However, disinfection is performed for objects and people, and, therefore, its application range is marked. General bacteria and viruses are inactivated by heating. Human bodies and some medical instruments cannot be heated, and so disinfectants are used. Disinfectants are classified according to their antimicrobial spectra and purposes of use into high-, intermediate-, and low-level disinfectants. High-level disinfectants with marked effects show inhalation toxicity and induce contact dermatitis in the human body; therefore, their use is limited to the disinfection of medical instruments. Although intermediate- and low-level disinfectants, which can be used for the human body, are widely employed, the development of microorganisms resistant to these has presented problems and requires caution. Another problem is the adverse effect of disinfectants. Many previously reported cases of adverse effects developed because the indicated subjects, concentration, and contact time were not observed. To prevent these adverse effects, instructions for appropriate use should be strictly followed. In this report, we make general comments regarding differences in antimicrobial effects among high-, intermediate-, and low-level disinfectants, the characteristics of disinfectants used for the human body and medical instruments, and previously reported adverse effects of disinfectants on the human body.


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