

  • Development of a Braille and Tactile Equipment : An Approach to Welfare Technology in a University
  • テンジ ショクズ システム ノ カイハツ ダイガク ニオケル フクシ コウガク エノ アプローチ




In Japan, the number of sight-disabled persons is over 300 thousands, and half of them is in total blindness. It is very important to communicate beyond such handicap between sound and blind persons in many ways. Braille method, which uses small six convex points on the paper, is a popular language to present phonetically spelled characters for blind persons. On the other hand, it has been difficult for a long time to know the shape or figure by finger touching on a Paper. Recently, the Intelligence Technology (IT) is wel1 spread in the area using the personal computer, while the virtual information is performed in blind education and communication with great difficulty. In this paper, a brief history and some equipment for the blind education are introduced, and the reasons why a new system is needed are discussed. A Braille and Tactile printing system for sight-disable person, which uses plastic ink and a personal computer and a resin dispenser robot, is developed in this paper. It wi1l be applied to present figures, pictures, graphs or maps for small amount printing, because another mass printing system using plastic ink is available. It is easy to transform a bitmap data to a CAD data from a scanner or WEB image, but some technical training may be needed to perform touch sensing figures for the CAD programming. The welfare technology in the mechanical engineering will be deyeloped more quickly to make educational or social aids for not only visible persons but also blind persons in the sense of universal design.


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