

  • Historical Consideration of the Mysterious Sound Said to be Emanating from the Stone Monument Built by Tang Emperor Xuanzong
  • ゲンソウ ギョセイ ヒ ジメイコウ チュウゴク オウケン ト カイイ



This paper discusses the relationship between ancestors and descendants of the Chinese dynasties, by specifically analyzing the mystery surrounding the stone monument built by Emperor Xuanzong 玄宗 in the mausoleum of Mt. Hua 華山.Previous theories have suggested that when such phenomena occurred, people think that Heaven (Tian 天) is warning the emperor about his poor governance or about a future catastrophe that might threaten the existence of the kingdom.However, given the perception held by the ancient Chinese dynasties about this unusual phenomenon and the historical background of the time when the stone monument sounded, it is likely that the emperor at that time perceive the sound as the voice of Xuanzong. One of the factors supporting this idea is an increasing awareness towards family among the ruling class from the third century on. In other words, strong psychological bonds between ancestors and descendants add another possible interpretation to the meaning of the unusual phenomenon.In sum, this unusual and mysterious phenomenon may have occurred as both “a warning from ancestors to descendants” as well as “a warning from Heaven to the emperor” which provides an important due to exploring the moral structure of ancient Chinese dynasties.


  • 東洋学報

    東洋学報 85 (3), 331-361, 2003-12


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