朝鮮民主主義人民共和国における幼児音楽教育 - 文献・資料に基づく幼稚園教育の一考察 -

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  • チョウセン ミンシュ シュギ ジンミン キョウワコク ニオケル ヨウジ オンガク キョウイク ブンケン シリョウ ニ モトズク ヨウチエン キョウイク ノ イチコウサツ
  • Infant Music Education in D. P. R. K

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There are only a small number of people in Japan who study about D. P. R. K = North Korea's child education and elementary-school education. This number is unreasonably small enough, when we consider our research environment where only a limited number of qualified researchers are allowed to study South Korea, while it is not the same about North Korea. Such scarcity itself could make this study meaningful. One of the distinctive features of North Korea's education program is its compulsory education system provided tuition-free for a period of 11 years including 1-year kindergarten education. As a part of the totalitarian state where people are strictly required to obey the Sovereign and Workers' Party, children are also treated as members to build up their communist society and are required to take part in various activities for that purpose. Since their first aim is to develop capable people who can contribute to the nation's policies, I am afraid that it would be difficult for them to develop people who have liberal or flexible mind at the same time. In the field of musical education, children are given opportunities to refine their singing skills, though it is through singing songs to admire political leaders. The study has found that politics and musical education are connected very closely with each other: for example, it is encouraged to improve ability to listen to and identify various chords somewhat like Western musical education; the Red Stars (being the symbol of revolution) are used as scores to praise children. On the other hand, there is an innovative education program where songs and dancing are assigned to children as a daily task and integrated into their everyday life. As far as we have observed from video materials that captured actual situations, almost all of such songs and dancing are focused on admiring Workers' Party and political leaders. It has proved that in North Korea both ethnic and Western musical instruments are used together, from the stages of child education, as a part of the nation's educational policies. The next step of my study is to find out how piano and solfege lessons are conducted in this country, based on text materials.


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