
  • チクサン ケイエイ ノ ケイエイ シンダン ト ソノ テンカイ




本稿では現行の畜産経営診断を取り上げ, まず診断事業の実施主体, 普及の要因, 診断手法の性格とその欠陥を明らかにした.さらに経営診断の欠陥を克服するために, 現代の高度化した計算機の機能を活用する収益性診断と技術診断の手法を提示し, 今後の経営診断が目指す展開方向について考察を加えた.これらの分析結果は, 整理, 要約するとつぎのとおりである.1.畜産経営診断は政府主導の中央畜産会, 農協組織, 畜産関連民間企業の三者によって組織的に実施され, 経営の家畜飼養規模拡大に伴って普及範囲を拡大した.これらの診断はいずれも最近まで, 第三者の経営専門家が多数の経営を分析して実施する外部診断であったことに特徴がある.2.畜産経営診断事業は, 政府と農協の貸付け資金回収に対する要請と, 経営の規模拡大に伴う管理の複雑化, 所得率の低下, 負債の増大, 簿記記帳等に基づく経営管理の要請の双方の必要性によって, 広範に普及することができた.3.中央畜産会, 農協組織等が採用する診断手法は, 計算機の機能が低位の時代に適合したものであり, 現代の高度化した計算機の機能を活用していない.4.診断指標の標準値は, 計量的診断手法の適用により, 経営の条件に応じて個別に計測され, それに基づいて経営成果の欠陥が定量的には握できる.5.技術診断は, 診断指標の標準値を過去の経営記録に求める自己比較法によって, 有用な情報を得ることができる.6.畜産経営診断は, 指導者による年間の収益性, 安全性を重視する診断から, 経営者による短期間の成果診断を包含し, さらに技術診断を重視するより緻密な診断へ向かって展開しつつある.

The purpose of this paper is to analyze the development process of diagnosis for livestock farm management in Japan and to present an analytical method which is adapted to information process using micro-computer modifying the prevalent diagnostic method. The rjesults are as follows; 1) The systematic diagnosis of livestock farm management has been promoted by three kinds of agencies, that is the outer organization of Government, agricultural cooperatives, and agribusinesses. These diagnosisses have a common feature that technical experts in animal husbandry make the diagnosis on the basis of livestock farm records. 2) The outer organization of Government and agricultural cooperatives have promoted the diagnosis for management performances of livestock farms for the purpose of supporting their decision makings and withdrawing loans financed. On the other hand, livestock farmers have accepted it as they had to increase efficiency of farm management as the result of complicating supervision over their herds, decreasing ratio of farm income, and increasing loans from Government and agricultural cooperatives caused by expanding their herd sizes. 3) The prevailing diagnosisses depend upon the traditional direct comparison method. This method can be improved by means of entimating the standard values based on multiple regression method in which fixed factors are independent variables and management performances dependent variables. 4) One of feed stuff companies developed the information processing system of hog farms which select inefficient breeding pigs analyzing the past records of their own farms. The diagnostic methods using records within farms such as this system may diffuse in the future by requests of livestock farmers. 5) For the diagnosis of livestock farm management to be practical, it needs to include the analysis of management performances during the shorter period than one year speeding up the information processes of farm records, and to stress emphasis on the technological analysis of feeding livestoc

source:The technical bulletin of Faculty of Horticulture, Chiba University


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