農協の営農指導における農産物生産履歴管理の役割に関する一考察 : そらち南農協の生産履歴管理システムを事例として


  • A consideration on the role of managing the records of agricultural products in cooperatives' advisory service : A case study of the agricultural products' records managing system in Sorachi-Minami agricultural cooperatives
  • ノウキョウ ノ エイノウ シドウ ニ オケル ノウサンブツ セイサン リレキ カンリ ノ ヤクワリ ニ カンスル イチ コウサツ : ソ ラ チ ミナミノウキョウ ノ セイサン リレキ カンリ システム オ ジレイ ト シテ



It is strongly required farmers to disclose the Records of agricultural products by mass retailers and distributors. Managing of the Records, which are broadly related technical advices, purchasing materials and selling products in cooperatives, are important affairs for cooperatives and farmers not only as one of main measures in Traceability System but also as a main item of cooperatives’advisory service.  In this pater, the role of managing the records of agricultural products is considered as the case of the Agricultural Products’Records Managing System (APRM) in Sorachi-Minami Cooperative. This system was established in 2007 as a sharing system by four cooperatives. In Sorachi-Minami more than three thousand records is handling per one year at low cost. It was found that the APRM has been supported by mass retailers and market to sell agricultural products as one of marketing tools. And it plays important role to enhance a brand image of the production area for providing consumers with safety feeling. Furthermore accumulated data in the APRM may have possibility to be made use of increasing productivity and better management in farms. In the near future utilization of data from the APRM will be one of the crucial issues for cooperatives' advisory service, and at the same time it is essential for building up of higher reliable Traceability System.


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