On the Zamindars of Bengal before the Permanent Settlement

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  • 永代定額地租査定以前のザミーンダールについて(上)

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Many definitions have been given with respect to the characteristics of the zamindars before the permanent zamindari settlement. But none of them can give us any satisfactory explanations, and the differences among them can not but confuse us to a great extent. Some accurate and convincible conception is necessary to us, who are interested in sober socio-economic history.According to the sanads of the orders of investiture, the zamindars were entrusted with the revenue-collection and police duties. So they might surely be considered merely as state-agents or state-officials. But, by the beginning of the British rule, they had accumulated enormous powers and influences, which made them feudal lords in a sense. They could exact arbitrarily the additional land revenues and other miscellaneous impositions beyond the customarily established rates from the raiyats, collect commercial dues from the merchants, and judicial powers over their zamindari far beyond the stipulated police duties.Thus, the principal zamindars were really the masters of lands and people, including not only the immediate cultivators of the soil but also the inferior landlords like ta’lluqdars. They had established their machineries for ruling lands and people, through which they could take village communities of the raiyats into their hands. The differences among their lineages, that had probably been discernible in the beginning, were of no great importance at the days of the Permanent Settlement.


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