中央職業訓練所の設立に関する一考察 : 職業訓練指導員養成論をめぐって

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  • チュウオウ ショクギョウ クンレンショ ノ セツリツ ニ カンスル イチ コウサツ ショクギョウ クンレン シドウイン ヨウセイロン オ メグッテ
  • The idea of the establishment of "Chuo-Shokugyo-Kunren-Syo" : Related to the vocational training instructor preparation



Chuo-Shokugyo-Kunren-Syo, the Central Institute for Vocational Training, the predecessor of the present Polytechnic University, was established in 1961. The missions of the Institute are the preparation of vocational training instructors and the researches on vocational training. The initial idea of the establishment of the Institute was to prepare the instructors who had the so-called trinity abilities in vocational training, the university level in knowledge, the skilled worker level in practical skill and the professional teacher level in leadership. The idea of instructor preparation, however, has been in face of a difficult problem. Although the Institute has made a great deal of effort to realize the initial idea, the realization is hitherto insufficient and consequently there are still many problems to solve. The researches of the instructor in vocational training are more necessary.


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