用語「普通教育」の生成と問題 : 「職業訓練」善忌避観醸成の背景

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  • 用語「普通教育」の生成と問題--「職業訓練」忌避観醸成の背景
  • ヨウゴ フツウ キョウイク ノ セイセイ ト モンダイ ショクギョウ クンレン キヒカン ジョウセイ ノ ハイケイ
  • The beginning and problems of the term Futsu Kyo-iku : The background of fermenting the vocational training avoidance



Today, the Japanese use the term Futsu Kyo-iku (普通教育) undoubtedly without detailed consideration of its meaning and have faith in its spirit. 0veremphasis on Futsu Kyo-iku has developed a way of thinking peculiar to the Japanese which neglects or despises vocational training. The purpose of this paper is to throw light on the historical process of such Futsu Kyo-iku view and on its problems which have developed a regrettable tendency for vocational training in Japan. The first parts, the present situation of Futsu Kyo-iku is concerned with understanding of Futsu Kyo-iku among the Japanese of today. The second part, the development of Futsu kyo-iku, explains that the Constitution of Japan provided Futsu Kyo-iku. The third part, the beginning of the term Futsu Kyo-iku, shows how the term was established and has been used in Japan. The Iwakura Mission made a tour of inspection in USA and Europe in 1871-1873. The Mission was originally proposed by Guido Verbeck, a Dutch missionary, educator and foreign political advisor in the Meiji period of Japan. The proposal was called a brief sketch. One of the proposal was to examine the various systems of schools and the laws in regard to popular education. After the tour the members pf the Mission published "Riji Kotei (a specialist's report)" in 1873 and "Bei-o Kairan Jikki (A record of the Ambassador's Journey of Observation)" in 1878. Th former is a report of educational systems and practices in Western countries and the latter is a detailed record of all events and impressions during the tour. In the Riji Kotei the Japanese term, as the translation of Verbeck's popular education, "Min-shu kyo-iku (民衆教育)" or "Koku-min Kyo-iku (国民教育)," was not used, but the Futsu Kyo-iku was used first. Moreover, the term was frequently used in the Jikki and spread among the Japanese. The meaning of the word Futsu in the term Futsu Kyo-iku is ambiguous, but the Japanese have used the term undoubtedly keeping the ambiguity and statesmen exploited the term for their own convenience.


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