奨励講演 波長変換・波長群変換機能を有する 多階層光パスネットワークの二段階整数線形計画に基づく設計法

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  • 波長変換・波長群変換機能を有する多階層光パスネットワークの二段階整数線形計画に基づく設計法
  • ショウレイ コウエン ハチョウ ヘンカン ハチョウグン ヘンカン キノウ オ ユウスル タカイソウ ヒカリ パス ネットワーク ノ 2ダンカイ セイスウ センケイ ケイカク ニ モトズク セッケイホウ
  • Hierarchical Optical Path Network Design with Wavelength/Waveband Conversion based on Two-Stage ILP Formulation

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In this paper, we propose design algorithms for hierarchical optical path networks with waveband/wavelength conversion or only with wavelength conversion. Although the design issue of networks with full waveband/wavelength conversion is free from the waveband/wavelength assignment, the cost minimization is hard to solve due to the degree of freedom in determination of waveband path location. Thus we firstly divide the original problem into sequential two-stage integer linear programming formulations that respectively concentrate on wavelength/waveband path accommodation. Numerical experiments elucidate that, without considering the cost of converters, the proposed algorithm achieves up to 30% cost reduction compared with a conventional algorithm without wavelength conversion [Yagyu, et al., 08]. Over a broad range of traffic demand, hierarchical optical path networks designed by the proposed algorithm achieves lower cost than single layer optical path networks where existing algorithms failed to realize the cost reduction.



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