北海道,網走・北見・津別地域の地すべり(第6報) ‐上里地域での地すべり地形の特徴と最近の地すべりー


  • ホッカイドウ アバシリ キタミ ツベツ チイキ ノ ジスベリ 6 ジョウ リチ
  • Landslides in the Abashiri?Kitami-Tsubetsu district,Hokkaido,Japan(part 6);Characteristics of landslide configurations and recent landslides in the Kamisato district



In the topographic map of Kamisato, 1 : 50,000 in scale, which is situated in the southeastern end of the Abashiri-Kitami?Tsubetsu landslide concentration region, 215 landslide configurations were recognized through aerial photographic interpretation. The criteria of aerial photographic interpretation are the presence of main scarp and its landslide debris. Most small-scale landslide configurations, which show forms of debris and soil slump (A type),slide(C type)and flow (G type),are found sporadically in the northwestern area. Their occurrence coincides with outcrops of the Miocene Tsubetsu Formation, which consists of shale and mudstone associated with sandstone and tuff,and with the lower part of the Pliocene Satomi Formation, which consists mainly of tuffaceous sandstone. This is presumably related to the mudstones which are prone to disintegrate into sizes from small fragments to as fine as mud owing to weathering,to the intercalated clayey tuffs and tuffaceous sandstones,and to the poorly consolidated rocks. The directions of landslide debris movement are mostly west and east. Moreover,intermediate-and large-scale landslide configurations, which show the shape of rock slump (B type)and the remnants of repeated sliding features, are found along the margins of Quaternary subaerial andesitic lavas. This is probably caused by cap rock structures which are composed of weathered clayey and loose rocks, and the overlying jointed subaerial lavas. No life or property damage caused by landslides is known in this district,but some landslide configurations are regarded as recent landslide scars from their features of dissected condition and vegetation,which were caused by the partial removal of older landslide debris.


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