環境配慮的な農業を支える田をめぐるむらの記憶 : 滋賀県琵琶湖畔の農村集落の調査から【特集論文 : 環境保全活動における住民参加の可能性】


  • 環境配慮的な農業を支える田をめぐるむらの記憶 : 滋賀県琵琶湖畔の農村集落の調査から
  • カンキョウ ハイリョテキ ナ ノウギョウ オ ササエル タ オ メグル ムラ ノ キオク : シガケン ビワ コハン ノ ノウソン シュウラク ノ チョウサ カラ
  • カンキョウ ハイリョ テキ ナ ノウギョウ オ ササエル タ オ メグル ムラ ノ キオク シガ ケン ビワコハン ノ ノウソン シュウラク ノ チョウサ カラ トクシュウ ロンブン カンキョウ ホゼン カツドウ ニ オケル ジュウミン サンカ ノ カノウセイ
  • Environment-friendly Agriculture Based on the Collective Memory of Rural Daily Life: A Case Study of a Village in the Waterfront Area of Lake Biwa in Shiga Prefecture.



type:Departmental Bulletin Paper

Farmers in the waterfront areas of Lake Biwa have been conducting agricultural management in anenvironment-friendly way since 1990s. What encouraged the farmers to be engaged in eco-friendly farmingwas the projects initiated by the local government of Shiga prefecture to control the damage caused byagricultural activities to the water quality of Lake Biwa and its ecosystems. The rice-fields-for-young-fishproject (Sakana no Yurikago Suiden project) started in the surveyed hamlet in 2007 by the prefecturalgovernment is one of the waterfront reclamation programs of the lake, offering an outstanding example of notonly farmers but also the non-farming population showing concern with regard to eco-friendly farmmanagement. The members of the community started to share an understanding of the importance ofenvironment-friendly agriculture and the restoration of water-environment where fish can live, with the oldergeneration remembering how they used to catch fish to eat from canals and paddy-fields in their youngerdays. In this study, I investigated the role played by the memories of elderly citizens in environmentalreclamation activities by interviewing the farmers who work in environment-friendly agriculture. I havefocused on the constructive process of shared memory through analysis of conversations between membersof the project and excerpts of the explanations given to the visitors who come to the village to study ecofriendlyagriculture. The results of this study suggest that rural memory is an important topic of research forfurther studies on eco-friendly agricultural management.

identifier:滋賀大学環境総合研究センター研究年報, 第11巻第1号, pp. 33-43


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