学習障害のある学生への支援モデル : 米国ランドマーク大学の例より


  • A Support Model for Students with Learning Disabilities in Higher Education : A Study at Landmark College in the United States
  • ガクシュウ ショウガイ ノ アル ガクセイ エノ シエン モデル : ベイコク ランドマーク ダイガク ノ レイ ヨリ



Landmark College specializes in students with learning disabilities and/or attention deficit hyperactivity disorders. The college provides support for students both in their academic learning and social life by specialist staff. This support includes help with reading and learning and guidance on how to complete assignments, choose themes, plan research and review literature. This support is structured and run by the Academic advisors and Coaching staff in the college. In addition, the Resident dean provides support for the students' time management and social skills. The students in this college learn about their disabilities through the subject and this leads them to understand themselves. The college aims to train students' self advocacy skills and this helps them raise their self-esteem, recognize their needs and ask others effectively for what they need.


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