指宿市及び入来町における独居高齢者の生活実態について -高齢者が自立できる社会形成に関する研究 その2-


  • A Study on the Life Circumstance of the Old Living Alone in lbusuki and lriki -A Study on the Forming Society that the Old can live themselves, part 2-
  • 指宿市及び入来町における独居高齢者の生活実態について--高齢者が自立できる社会形成に関する研究-2-
  • イブスキシ オヨビ イリキチョウ ニ オケル ドッキョ コウレイシャ ノ セイ



When we implement welfare measures for the old, we should carry out policies that show respect for them, and also create around them effective community support. If the old live alone, they should keep a good relationship with their communities, and at the same time, we must guarantee them a healthy, and comfortable life. The purpose of this study is to recognize what the old need, and to suggest a plan of social policies and welfare measures to match them. In this report, we analyze actual life circumstances of the elderly using informations derived from the old living alone in Kagoshima, Ibusuki, and Iriki. We arrived at the following conclusions : 1) Living near a son or daughter has a good effect upon the old living alone. 2) Living alone gives them more freedom. Simultaneously, if they live alone, it's difficult for them in conveniences if anything should happen to them. 3) In their present houses, they experience many dissatisfied and dangerous points, but they don't improve them so much. 4) The environment around their houses may also be an undesirable. 5) The older female is more positive than the older male about human relations. 6) Most of the old living alone take financial support in all communities. And welfare measures for the old are different among each of their communities.


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