

  • テニス ノ ガクシュウ ニ トモナウ ニンチ カテイ ノ ヘンヨウ ニ カンスル ケンキュウ
  • Tenisu no gakushu ni tomonau ninchi katei no henyo ni kansuru kenkyu
  • Research on transformation of cognitive process according to study of tennis




The purpose of this research is that a beginner who just began tennis shows clearly how a cognitive process changes with study. It was made clear from two investigations. In the preparatory survey, introspection was extracted at the time of the lesson of tennis. Analysis was performed by the KJ method. As a result, "hard pressed" "regulation of power" "technical problem", and "technical discovery and cue" were seen. In main investigation, the lesson of 6 times of tennis was taken, and the change was seen using the investigation table. As a result, when the technical performance was observed, it became clear that a difference is looked at by skill acquisition process. When cluster analysis was made on the technical performance, mind and discovery of the solution method of a technical subject (hitting point, control, and stability feeling) came to be seen from the state of grasping the result as the ball he hit in the beginning. When cluster analysis was made on notice, it was vague in the beginning about notice, it gradually became clear with study. From the above study, it had become apparent to be able to control the margin of play and the power as the technology of tennis was mastered. The discovery about a play, and the role with big companion mind was suggested to the background of acquisition there.


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