ミーゼスとシェーラー : 価値理論の2つのタイプ、その相互関係について


  • Mises and Scheler : Two types of value theory and their possible interrelation




The concept of value was crucial in the thought of both Ludwig von Mises and Max Scheler, however the spheres to which the concept "value" was applied by each was very different, Mises being an economist and Scheler being a ethicist and philosophical anthropologist. Superficially the positions of the two thinkers seem to be diametrically opposed, Scheler maintaining the validity of "objective values" and Mises championing "subjective value" as the key to understanding economic processes. However it is possible to consider the economic sphere in which subjective values operate as a subset of a much wider frame of reference grounded in objective values. Scheler's thought points towards an ideal realm which is in no way invalidated by economic analysis of the values which people actually choose. Viewed in this respect the thought of Mises and Scheler may be seen as complementary. This complementarity was not grasped at the time when the two men were contemporaries, due to Mises involvement in tangential methodological concerns. Further factors 1) Scheler's early death, 2) the Heideggerian obscuration of the early phenomenological movement, 3) the lateness of Scheler's recognition by American social scientists, and 4) the hardening of disciplinary boundaries between philosophy and the various social sciences, including economics, have tended to diminish the impact of Scheler's ideas on subsequent thought. None the less, Scheler's notion of objective value could serve as a unique mediation between the cognitive universe of libertarians and traditionalists respectively. In this respect putting Mises and Scheler in mutual context is a vital desideratum for our times.






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