

  • フィリピンカイ ミナミシナカイ ノ ナンノ プランクトン
  • Modern Nannoplankton Flora in the Philippine and South China Seas



In the winter of 1978 a geochemical expedition (VEGA) was held in the Philippine Sea, and in the autumn of 1981 a biological research (WESTPAC) was carried in the Philippine and South China Seas. During the two expeditions 24 oceanographic stations were set, that is, 7 during the VEGA expedition, and 17 in the WESTPAC expedition. In the WESTPAC 8 stations were in the Philippine Sea and 8 stations were in the South China Sea. In the VEGA 7 layers of water sample down to 300 meter depth in the column and in the WESTPAC 11 to 14 layers of water sample down to 150 meter depth in ths column were taken. All these samples are fully linked with oceanographic data. Filtering technique was adopted for nannoplankton collection and observation was carried under a SEM. In the Philippine Sea 31 genera and 65 species of nannoplankton were found and their population/liter of water ranges 0 to 80,000. 0n the other hand in the South China Sea we encountered 24 genera and 34 species of nannoplankton and their population size was smaller than that of the Philippine Sea. Nannoplankton floral composition and population size both in the surface and vertical water column were reported. Ecological status and relationships between population size and light irradiation of some nannoplankton species were discussed. In the South China Sea some species of nannoplankton show a clear depth-dependency. Emiliania huxleyi has its maximum layer in shallower than 50 meter. On the other hand Anthosphaera oryza, Florisphaera profunda and Thorosphaera flabellata showed their nitche between middle to lower layer of photic zone.


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