

  • サンスウ スウガク キョウイク ニ オケル ヒョウゲンリョク オ トラエル シテン
  • Overview of the Representation in Mathematics Education



The purpose of this study is to clarify viewpoints for the representation in mathematics education. Recently, the discussion about the representation in education is very active. However, discussions has become vague because we do not have a common framework for representations. So, we need a common framework for representation in mathematics education. First, I analyzed papers about representation in mathematics education. Then, I arranged important viewpoints and made tentative framework for representation in mathematics. The following three points are important to make the framework. First, the attribute of mathematics which has several kinds of representation. Secondly, the two attributes of representation in mathematics education which are representation as contents of learning and representation as tools of learning. Lastly, the relationship between representation and communication in a mathematics class. As a result, the following four points were arranged and structured; 1. The use of two languages mainly Japanese and mathematics (i.e. Number, expressions, figure, table, graphs, etc..). And, we are translating these two languages. 2. Mathematical representation is the content that the students must learn. 3. Mathematical representation is a tool for problem solving and understanding mathematics. 4. Mathematical representation is improved through communication. It promotes understanding mathematics through explanation and interpretation. In this way students may understand the importance of communication. In mathematics education, the most important thing is to clarify the purpose of promoting representation ability.


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