

  • The Development of the Ordinance on the Privilege pf Exemption from Labor Service (Yu-mien 優免 Ordinance) and the Legal Position of Chü-jên 挙人 in the Late Ming Times
  • ヨウエキ ユウメン ジョウレイ ノ テンカイ ト ミンマツ キョジン ノ ホウ



Examining how the system of labor duty (yao-i 徭役 system) in Ming times developed, we find that the standard of exemption from tsa-i 雑役 conformed to that of assignment of tsa-i. This article was written to verify the legal position of the gentry 紳士, the amount of the standard of exemption from tsa-i for chü-jên not holding a government post, which was found in the privileged exemption rules from labor service (yu-mien ordinance) in Ming times, compared with that of other kuan-yüan 官員 and chien-shêng 監生 shêng-yüan 生員 classes.It was not until Ming times that the social position k’e-chü 科挙 was established. People in this position were qualified to hold government posts and to take the hui-shih 会試 examination. chü-jên and chien-shêng 挙人監生, who had been compelled to attend kuotzuchien 国子監 since the early Ming times, had returned home since the latter half of the 15th century as a result of the institutional contradiction of the dynasty state. This proves that in the 7th year hung-chih 弘治(1494), yu-mien ordinance was applied to chü-jên for the first time.However, the amount of yu-mien for chü-jên was equal to that of chien-shêng and sêng-yüan classes in the period of jên-ting 人丁 yu-mien under chün-yao fa 均徭法 system and even in the period of liang ting 糧・丁 yu-mien undet i-t’iao-pien fa 一条鞭法 and shih-t’uan fa 十段法 system. Nevertheless, in the period of t’ien-mu 田畝 yu-mien under chün-t’ien-chün-i fa 均田均役法 system was carried out in Kiangnan 江南 as a result of the compromise between the gentry and the state authorities since the wan-li 万暦 period in the latter half of the 16th century, the amount of yu-mien t’ien 優免田 for chü-jên had increased 20 or 30 times as much as that of the original rules of yu-mien. Besides, chü-jên holding a position of k’ê-chü were accorded p’in-kuan 品官 treatment, while the amount of yu-mien for graduates was at most twice as much as that of the original rules. This fact shows that chü-jên in the late Ming times were legally guaranteed a social position in local government as one of the privileged groups within the ruling class.


  • 東洋学報

    東洋学報 60 (1・2), 93-131, 1978-11


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