経済政策 Social Protection in the Philippines


  • Social Protection in the Philippines
  • ケイザイ セイサク Social Protection in the Philippines



Industrialization or structural transformation of the economy affects people's lives in many ways. In addition, globalization intensifies competition among companies and accelerates upgrading of the industrial structures which entails with frequent replacement of jobs as a consequence. There in-lies necessity for building social protection mechanism more than ever. The Philippines is no exception. The Philippines is rapidly growing and therefore the need for building social protection is pressing. The Philippines is equipped with all the social protection schemes other than unemployment insurance to tackle poverty. However, the state of poverty in the Philippines look as disappointing as other peer countries. This paper digs into why the Philippines has failed to alleviate the poverty. The paper is divided into three sections. First, the paper evaluates the Filipino pension system based on regression analysis and compares with peers which are in the similar stage of development. Then, the paper will discuss the health insurance with particular attentions to the size of coverage of the insurance. Lastly conditional cash transfer system of the Philippines will be evaluated.


  • 千葉経済論叢

    千葉経済論叢 (50), 1-25, 2014-07-14

    千葉 : 千葉経済大学

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