教育・研究に関する中期目標の達成状況の評価結果について : 自己評価との比較を中心に(調査・研究報告)


  • キョウイク ケンキュウ ニ カンスル チュウキ モクヒョウ ノ タッセイ ジョウキョウ ノ ヒョウカ ケッカ ニ ツイテ ジコ ヒョウカ ト ノ ヒカク オ チュウシン ニ
  • An investigation of the results of national university education and research evaluation : Comparison with self-assessment



In 2008, all national universities in Japan performed national university education and research evaluation (NUERE) as a part of national university corporation evaluation. In this evaluation, Niigata University's attainment of midterm goals and plans 4 years after incorporation in 2004, as well as the education and research levels of the University's faculties and the academic units of its graduate schools, was appraised based on performance reports. The present report presents the results of NUERE in their entirety and investigates the outcome for Niigata University. The overall evaluation results for Niigata University were generally good, while the self-assessment evaluating the University's attainment of mid-term goals and plans was good. These evaluations indicate that the explanation of the attainment of objectives of mid-term goals in education and research at the University is not entirely satisfactory for the NUERE Committee;this should be kept in mind for future management at the University. Comparing the self-assessment with the evaluation results by the NUERE Committee, severa1 gaps can be identified, This situation might be caused by each university's speculation regarding the national university corporation evaluation and by the relative immaturity of university evaluation culture? more specifically, the insufficient recognition of performance-based evaluation. In addition, the present report details approaches for the utilization of evaluation results at Niigata University.


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