自分の特徴を振り返るツールとしてのカンバセーション・ドローイング : 前反省的な体験を反省的に覚知する


  • ジブン ノ トクチョウ オ フリカエル ツール ト シテ ノ カンバセーション ・ ドローイング : ゼン ハンセイテキ ナ タイケン オ ハンセイテキ ニ カク チ スル
  • Conversation Drawing as an Exercise for Self-reflection : Becoming Reflexively Aware of Pre-reflexive Experiences




Eugene Gendlin's view that most of living is "pre-conceptual" is carried on by Akira Ikemi, who asserts that most of living is "pre-reflexive." The author approached Conversation Drawing (Conv-D) as an interplay of the pre-reflexive and reflexive modes of awareness and asked participants to do Conv-D in pairs. They were then interviewed about how they reflected on themselves during the Conv-D activity. As a result, most participants were able to enhance their understanding of their Own characteristics. Moreover, these characteristics were already "implicit" in their awareness. This study showed that participants can gain new understandings about themselves through the interplay of the pre-reflexive and reflexive modes of awareness in Conv-D. Art therapy, including Conv-D, may be enhanced when the effects of such an interplay are recognized.


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