産業社会という文脈からみた健康文化に関する研究 : 疲労自覚症状と健康体感という視点から


  • サンギョウ シャカイ ト イウ ブンミャク カラ ミタ ケンコウ ブンカ ニ カンスル ケンキュウ ヒロウ ジカク ショウジョウ ト ケンコウ タイカン ト イウ シテン カラ
  • Study on Health Culture of Health in the Context of Industrial Society : From Subjective Symptoms and Bodily Sense of View




ndustrial society of today influences human health. However, there have been few studies published up to date on health issues made from a conscious viewpoint of “industrial society”. Thus, in this study by grasping the significance of “health culture” in the context of industrial society, we thought that we were able to seek a direction to be taken for health promotion, and made a research on the actual condition of subjective symptoms and bodily sense of health, i.e. inner sense of how a man in the adulthood feels about his or her health condition, who is most strongly affected by living in an industrial society. We made a survey using a questionnaire on “Check List of Subjective Fatigue”. The results show that, among the total 30 items of subjective symptoms, average complaints per person was 6.5 items and that more than half of the examinees complained, among other items, such symptoms as “I feel fatigue in eyes”,“I feel stiffness in shoulders” etc. On the other hand, approx. 60% of the respondents replied “I feel now health”. The pathology of the present day's industrial society lies in how a man feels health, having at the same time consciousness of fatigue. From this survey, we obtained a hint that working on such a consciousness of one's own feeling would be an effective strategy to promote health.


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