防災キャンププログラムの現状と課題 ―地域特性を考慮した防災教育プログラムの開発に向けた取り組み―


  • Current State of and Issues in Disaster Prevention Camp Program Initiatives for the Development of Disaster Prevention Education Programs that Account for Regional Characteristics



In response to the varied natural disasters that occur frequently in recent years, both governments and the private sector are actively engaged in enlightenment, education, and other activities involving disaster readiness and mitigation. The "disaster prevention camp program" is an educational method conceived as a means of acquiring experiential learning of use in living after a disaster, utilizing camping gear, knowledge, and techniques. Even now, the reports are held around Japan by various organizations. With "solutions-oriented support for regional issues" aid from the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology, the reporter, too, is engaged in development and demonstration of disaster readiness camp programs, focused on the Chita Peninsula area of Aichi Prefecture. In order to develop a more effective program, a survey was conducted in response to the need to learn about the current state of and issues in disaster prevention camp program and other disaster Prevention Education programs. The results of the survey suggested matters calling for improvement, including findings that Disaster Prevention Camp are not being offered to adults, continuity in the learning is difficult to achieve, the content often contributes to development of mutual assistance ability, and passive attitudes toward Disaster Prevention Education Programs are visible. This reports on knowledge obtained from the "Survey of the Current State of Disaster Prevention Education Programs" that was carried out on diverse subjects and precedents as a way to contribute to the development of more effective disaster prevention camp program.  近年頻発する様々な自然災害に対して, 行政, 民間を問わず, 防災・減災に関する啓蒙, 教育などの諸活動が盛んに行われている. 「防災キャンプ」は, キャンプの道具, 知識, 技術を活用し, 被災時の生活に役立つ体験的な学びを得る手段として考えられた教育手法である. 現在も様々な団体により日本各地で開催されている. 報告者も文部科学省「地域課題解決型支援」の助成を受けて, 愛知県の知多半島地域を中心に, 防災キャンプのプログラム開発と検証に取り組んでいる. より効果的なプログラムを開発するために, 防災キャンプをはじめとした防災教育プログラムの現状と課題を知る必要があり調査を行った. 調査の結果, 防災キャンプが大人には提供されていないこと, 学びに継続性が生じにくいこと, 共助力の育成に資する内容になりやすいこと, 防災教育に対する受動的な姿勢がみられること, など「工夫をしたい」と思われる事項が示唆された. 本報告は, 「より効果的な防災キャンププログラムの開発」に資するために, 多様な対象者や先行事例などに対して行った「防災教育プログラムの現状調査」から得られた知見の報告を行う.


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    departmental bulletin paper
  • データソース種別
    • IRDB
    • CiNii Articles

