低コントラストファントムを用いた逐次近似再構成CT画像におけるmodulation transfer functionの測定


  • Determination of modulation transfer function using a low-contrast phantom in computed tomography with iterative reconstruction
  • テイコントラストファントム オ モチイタ チクジ キンジ サイコウセイ CT ガゾウ ニ オケル modulation transfer function ノ ソクテイ
  • Determination of modulation transfer function using a low-contrast phantom in computed tomography with iterative reconstruction



本研究では,CTにおける逐次近似再構成(iterative reconstruction:IR)画像のMTF測定を目的として,既報のfiltered back projection(FBP)画像におけるMTF測定法をIR画像に適応した.IR画像の空間分解能はコントラストに依存するため,コントラストの低い円柱を含んだファントムを使用した.円柱のCT画像と数値的に生成した被写体関数を逆重畳積分することでpoint spread functionを算出し,MTFを求めた.得られたMTFと被写体関数から計算画像を算出し,実際のCT画像と比較を行うことでMTFの精度を評価した.FBP画像において,標準的なMTF測定法である金属ワイヤー法と提案法のMTFを比較し,良好な一致を確認した.次に,提案法によってIR画像のMTFを測定した.このMTFから得られた計算画像は実際のCT画像に類似し,MTFの測定精度が高いことが示された.提案法を用いることでコントラストの低いIR画像から精度の高いMTFを測定できることが示唆された.

The purpose of this study is to propose a method for a determination of the modulation transfer function (MTF) by applying the previous method [Med. Phys. 36, 2089-2097 (2009)] to computed tomography (CT) iterative reconstruction (IR) algorithms. While the previous method utilized a high-contrast CT test phantom, we used a lowcontrast phantom, considering the contrast-to-noise ratio dependent spatial resolution in IR images. The phantom included a uniform cylinder of 10 mm diameter. A cross-sectional image of the cylinder was obtained. The point spread function (PSF) was calculated by deconvolving the scanned image with the object-function that was numerically generated as an ideal circle. From the PSF, the MTF was derived. An image was simulated with the obtained MTF and was compared to the scanned image; the image similarity indicated the accuracy of the MTF. For performing this image comparison reliably, we used multiple scanned images. First, using the filtered back-projection images, we measured the MTFs by the proposed method; the MTFs agreed well with those obtained by the standard method using a metal wire. Next, for IR images the MTFs were measured by the proposed method. The simulated images showed good similarities with the scanned images, suggesting the accuracy of the obtained MTFs. The proposed method is concluded to be effective for determining the MTF in IR images.


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