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  • Highly Invasive Preventive Interventions and The Principle of Non-maleficence
  • Highly Invasive Preventive Interventions and The Principle of Non-maleficence
  • シンシュウセイ ノ タカイ ヨボウテキ カイニュウ ト ムキガイ ゲンソク

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This paper aims to examine the justifiability of certain sorts of preventive interventions targeting high-risk individuals. In addition to not being a treatment, such interventions, because of their highly invasive nature, could violate the principle of non-maleficence. At the same time, however, health care providers should also follow the principle of beneficence. Using a normative concept of reasons instead of concepts such as duty and principle may help to clarify what it means to have duties as a profession, and then to examine what are the appropriate conditions for the justifiable preventive interventions.



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