- タイトル別名
- K-9M-67号機による正イオン温度観測結果
- K 9M 67ゴウキ ニヨル セイイオン オンド カンソク ケッカ
- An Experimental Result of Positive Ion Temperature Observation on Board K-9M-67 Sounding Rocket
A vertical profile of the ion temperature in the ionosphere at local afternoon in the region from 95 to 310km has been measured directly by means of an improved retarding potential analyzer (R.P.A.) system aboard a space sounding rocket. This rocket was launched at Kagoshima Space Center of Japan (Geomag. Lat: 198°4'E, Long: 20°O'N). In this paer the method of measurement of the ion temperature by two R.P.A. and the experimental results are discussed. Two R.P.A.'s were flown. One of them measured the probe characteristics and the other one measured the attack angle of the plasma. To measure the attack angle, this R.P.A. was tilted at 30° from the rocket spin axis. The distortion or hysterisis properties of probe curve was not appeared which oftenly caused at the probe experiment aboard the rocket, since the clean surfaces of mesh grids and other electrodes are stored in the white room or the nose cone containing the dry N_2 gas. The attack angle is measured directly by tilted ion trap. The measured attack angle data agree with the data obtained by geomagnetic and solar aspect meter aboard this rocket. It was found that this tilted probe was useful in the night time experiment. The results show that the overall ion temperature below 150 km expected to be the same as that of the neutral temperature at high solar activity. Above 160 km the average ion temperature shows the higher temperature gradually. In this region ion temperature profile contains wave like structure. The peak to trough amplitude of the temperature variation is about 250°K and the wave length of about 25 km is determined. The wave like temperature variation is examined and compared with the consideration by Knudsen et al related to the source of the internal gravity wave.
資料番号: SA0125924000
- 東京大学宇宙航空研究所報告
東京大学宇宙航空研究所報告 16 (4_B), 1301-1326, 1980-12
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詳細情報 詳細情報について
- 1050566774914994688
- 110000197529
- AN00161914
- 05638100
- 2296182
- 本文言語コード
- ja
- 資料種別
- departmental bulletin paper
- データソース種別
- NDLサーチ
- CiNii Articles