

  • ナガサキ ダイガク イガクブ シガクブ フゾク ビョウイン ノ ガイライ ニ オケル ジュシン コウドウ ニ カンスル ケンキュウ
  • Research on the Hospital Visit Behaviors of Outpatients Treated at Nagasaki University Hospital, Medicine and Dentistry



長崎大学医学部・歯学部附属病院は,高度専門医療を必要とする患者が県内外から多く受診している地域の中核病院である.しかし,長崎県の地理的特性として,半島や離島が多く,本院が位置する長崎市内への交通事情は様々である. そこで,長崎大学医学部・歯学部附属病院の外来患者を対象に,受診行動の違いにより患者満足度に違いがあるかを明らかにすることを目的に,2004年7月に質問紙調査を行った. 今回の調査から,「医師の対応」「看護師の対応」「診察内容」の項目で満足度が高かった.一方,「待ち時間」「駐車場」「交通の便」の項目で満足度が低かった.また,病院がある長崎市近郊から受診している患者の割合が多いにもかかわらず,通院に時間を要する患者の割合が全国平均より多いことが明らかとなった.長期受診者が多い現状を考えると,待ち時間,駐車場,交通の便の負担感を軽減する改善を行うことにより,継続受診に関する満足度がさらに改善されることが期待できる.

The hospitals attached to the Nagasaki University medical department and a department of dentistry are core hospitals of an area which many patients who need advanced special medical treatment are consulting from within the prefecture or the outside of the prefecture. Whereas, the mode of transportation to the hospital located in the city is quite diverse due to the geographical characteristics of Nagasaki Prefecture with its numerous peninsulas and islands. In this context, for the purpose of clarifying possible differences in the degree of outpatient satisfaction depending on their commutes, a questionnaire was distributed in July of 2004,targeted at outpatients of Nagasaki Medical University, Medicine and Dentistry. The results of the questionnaire showed higher satisfaction in the following areas; "doctor responses," "nurse responses" and "treatment contents," while the items; "waiting time," "car parking," and "transportation convenience" gained lower satisfaction. It was also noted that even though the ratio of outpatients residing within or in the vicinity of Nagasaki City accounted for a larger part, a greater ratio of those outpatients indicated a long commuting time to the hospital. In consideration of the situation in which many outpatients consult the hospital for an extended period, the degree of outpatient satisfaction is expected to be enhanced when some improvement is made to alleviate the burden with respect to waiting time, parking, and transportation convenience of the outpatients .


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