Kobori Ensh?, Feudal Lord and Tea Master -The Development of Tea Rooms in the Keicho and Kan'ei Period-

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In the second half of the sixteenth century, a commoner named Sen no Riky? became the foremost tea master to Toyotomi Hideyoshi, ruler of Japan. In 1591, Riky? was forced to commit ritual suicide and was succeeded by Furuta Oribe, one of his students. Unlike Riky?, Oribe was not a commoner but a feudal lord. Oribe would later become tea master to the second Tokugawa shogun Hidetada, and after he himself was forced to commit ritual suicide in 1615, he was succeeded as tea master of the realm by another feudal lord, Kobori Ensh?. This paper will discuss the role Ensh? played in the development of the tea ceremony, then known as chanoyu, during the Kan'ei period, and will focus on the development of the sukiya 数寄屋 or tea room.

長崎大学言語教育研究センター論集, 6, pp.113-135; 2018


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