Application of Attribute Listing to Market Research of Rice : A Case of Merchandising for Ecologically Friendly rice
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- Other Title
- 米産地のマーケティング活動での属性列挙法の適用 : 北海道における特別栽培米の取引を例に
- ベイサンチ ノ マーケティング カツドウ デ ノ ゾクセイ レッキョホウ ノ テキヨウ : ホッカイドウ ニ オケル トクベツ サイバイ マイ ノ トリヒキ オ レイ ニ
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The purpose of this paper is to demonstrate availabilities of methods for selecting survey items that will be helpful for an understanding of conditions to expand trade in agricultural products. We wish to understand wholesaler needs, here with the example of rice cultivated with a reduced amount of agricultural chemicals and fertilizers. We employed a listening of particulars for determining the survey items, and used these during interviews with wholesalers. From the results we learned about and became aware of wholesaler needs. We consider that the obtained knowledge can be useful to sales operations for rice farmers and cooperatives. The attribute listing that we used does not require complicated calculations and working time. This method can also be used by one interviewer. We conclude that this method is useful to understand the specific needs for advantageous business practices in rice producing districts.
- The Frontiers of Agricultural Economic
The Frontiers of Agricultural Economic 23 (1), 38-46, 2020-08-31
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Details 詳細情報について
- 1050569015578040192
- NII Article ID
- 120006943546
- NII Book ID
- AA12489661
- 2115/80049
- 031221129
- 21851220
- Text Lang
- ja
- Article Type
- journal article
- Data Source
- NDL Search
- CiNii Articles