疑問詞を用いる列挙表現について : 現代中国語の「什么shénme」を中心に


  • ギモンシ オ モチイル レッキョ ヒョウゲン ニ ツイテ : ゲンダイ チュウゴクゴ ノ 「 ジュウヨウ shenme 」 オ チュウシン ニ
  • ギモンシ オ モチイル レッキョ ヒョウゲン ニツイテ : ゲンダイ チュウゴクゴ ノ shenme オ チュウシン ニ
  • On Enumeration Constructions with Interrogative Words : With Special Focus on Shénme(什么) in Mandarin Chinese



Interrogative words which ask for information about something can be used to enumerate not only in English (for example, and what not) and Japanese (for example, nanni + to → nado, “so on”), but also in Mandarin Chinese. For example, the interrogative word shénme (什么, “what”) can be used to enumerate in Mandarin. This paper describes two types of enumeration constructions with shénme in Mandarin: the prefix type “shénme A, B ...” and the postfix type “A, B ... shénme de”, and considers differences between the prefix type and the postfix type from the perspectives of syntax and pragmatics. In addition, the paper discusses the feature of enumeration expressions with shénme in Mandarin by comparing them with similar expressions in English and Japanese. It is universal that lexical means are needed for the postfix type in all three languages, while it is only in Mandarin that the interrogative word shénme can be put before and after enumerated items.


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